Category Articles

Social Media Demographics and SEO

Ever since the last two presidential elections, we’ve been hearing a lot about the shift in demographics in the United States.  If that shift can influence presidential race outcomes, it can certainly influence consumer buying trends and, therefore, marketing campaigns. …

Stop Carrying the Sales Prevention Banner

If you have web presence and you’re not using social media, you’re sabotaging your own efforts.  That’s right.  If you’ve taken the internet plunge to your chest but are hesitant to go all the way in, you’re actually leading the…

San Antonio SEO Company

All small businesses need an internet marketing strategy these days… as such a high percentage of consumers shop and research online. There are thousands of searches a month for lawyers, dentists, roofers, plumbers, flower shops, etc. It is crucially important…

Why You Should Hate Black Hat SEO

In every industry, there are regulations or rules that guide how the business should operate.  Then, there are those obnoxious few who ruin it for everyone.  The few who insist on pushing the guidelines to the maximum by cutting every…

Top 3 Reasons to Hire an SEO Firm

So you’re a business owner and you now have your website up and running. Think you’re done with your online marketing strategy?  Think again.  Getting your site up and running is just half the battle.  You really need to get…

Three Ways to Maximize Your SEO on Twitter

If you’re not using Twitter to improve your marketing strategy and to maximize your internet presence, you should be.  Twitter has more than 500 million users who tweet an average of 55 million times per day.  That’s 385,000,000 tweets in…

The SEO Process

Search engines have complex algorithms in place that rank websites for various keyword phrases. The process of search engine optimization involves manipulating the different components of the algorithm in order to increase a website’s rank. There are certain things that…

Three Reasons to Hire an SEO Professional

Unless you’re in the business of search engine optimization yourself, it’s wise to hire a professional SEO team to do it for you.  While there are many reasons you should take this advice, here are three prime ones. There’s a…

SEO Takes Time!

For quick and immediate results… one should invest in PPC. SEO takes time to gradually build your authority in the search engines. For some competitive keywords it can take many months. Patience is key. We can attain for you the…